The most popular alternative cancer therapy in Germany is high dose vitamin C (ascorbic acid) IV. It is also used alongside conventional chemo/radiation therapies in many clinics. Vitamin C is also used in whitening therapies and general anti-aging due to the collagen stimulating effects of vitamin C, which makes you look younger. So, what are the major benefits of vitamin C?
- Oxygenates the blood through release of hydrogen peroxide
- Nature’s antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-fungal and natural detoxifier
- Boosts and restores Immune System Functions, can be as effective as a flu vaccine
- Greater tissue saturation with no side effects
- Effectively eliminates and neutralizes a wide variety of toxins and infections, assists in returning body to pre-deficiency states
- Increases energy and appetite
- Provides Intravenous nutritional support to patients who cannot or will not eat to meet their nutritional needs as it regards disease and treatment of chronic and acute illness
- Relieves the burden of cancer patients and others who are challenged to meet their nutritional needs
- Stimulates collagen formation
- Inhibits hyaluronidase to prevent Metastasis
- Induces tumor cell death (Apoptosis)
- Compliments traditional therapies
- Potentiates chemo and radiation
- Relieves pain and promotes well being
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