IGF-1 DES Receptor Peptide

IGF-1 DES, 1 mg/vial


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IGF-1 DES (1-3) is a variant of IGF-1 that is more potent in certain tissue types. It is 10 times more potent than IGF-1 in the hypertrophy and proliferation of satellite cells in muscle tissue and other tissues. IGF-1 DES (1-3) also has a more metabolic, fat-burning effect than IGF-1.

IGF-1 DES (1-3) is a truncated variant of the conventional IGF-1 that has a tri-peptide structure. It is more potent than IGF-1 in the hypertrophy and proliferation of satellite cells in muscle tissue and other tissues. Additionally, it has a more metabolic, fat-burning effect than IGF-1.


IGF-1 DES (1-3) is a faster-acting form of IGF-1 that has longer-lasting fat-burning effects. It is especially effective in treating intestinal disorders and promoting muscle growth.


IGF-1 DES (1-3) is a high potency IGF-1 variant that is injected about 15 minutes before training. The dosages are 25-100mcg, and the lowest dose is very low. The application period of more than 6 weeks is generally not recommended. In the forums, you will find many different schemes such as injections of 25-40mcg before, as well as after training, or 100mcg subcutaneously every two days.

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