Category: Peptides

Peptides for sale



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AOD-9604 Peptide

AOD 9604 is a peptide that was originally developed to help manage obesity. It speeds up the body's metabolism, causing significant fat loss, especially in the mid-abdominal area.
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Epithalon (Epitalon) Peptide

This peptide is offered in 3 variants: 10mg, 50mg, and 100mg.
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Follistatin 344, 1 mg/vial

Follistatin-344 is a synthetic analogue of naturally occurring Follistatin. It binds to and neutralizes the effects of myostatin, activin, and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), leading to increased muscle mass and reduced scar formation.
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HGH Fragment 176-191, 2 mg/vial

HGH Frag176-191 is a Growth Hormone Releasing peptide. It works by regulating fat metabolism allowing the body to burn more fat.
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Myostatin HMP, 1 mg/vial

Myostatin is a protein which inhibits muscle differentiation and growth. It is naturally produced in the human and animal body and is responsible for telling the body when to stop producing more muscle.
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